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The new date for the IMC17 ONLINE conference is 23–25 April 2021. This is an opportunity to meet with colleagues from all around the world and to listen to interesting presentations from a variety of subjects within orientation and mobility related to visual impairment and blindness. At the conference, recent research results will be highlighted related to an inclusive society under the themes:

– Learning, activity and participation

– The relationship of the human being and the environment

– Theory and development of orientation and mobility

– VISION2020


The programme is available on the conference web-site: https://www.gu.se/en/education-special-education/our-research/imc17-international-mobility-conference


Do take the opportunity to join this exciting online event.  We do understand, that for some of you participating live in all the sessions might be difficult due to different time zones.  Please do not let this be a hurdle, all registered participants will have the option after the conference to listen to the presentations through a secure link.


Accreditation is available through ACVREP

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